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Electric Car Conversion? – Southwest Houston Car Repair
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Electric Car Conversion?

Were you aware that that the US government allows tax refunds for anyone that converts their cars from gas powered to electric powered? It is a fact. The IRS gives up to a thousand dollars in tax breaks to individuals who switch from gas to electric. And why not? The cost of gasoline are rising constantly. they could go down for a short time and go right back up after. With an DIY electric car conversion you will start saving money in environmentally friendly way.

Many drivers do not understand that instead of getting a super expensive hybrid, you can instead enjoy doing your own electric conversion. You do not even have to be an auto mechanic, or know all about ev conversions.

The advantages of having an ev car are obvious, but what are the benefits of converting your regular car into an electric – well, that’s a whole new subject.

You don’t need to worry about doing your own electric conversion. Think about it, with the mileage alone, you’ll save thousands of dollars each year and you will be able to buy so much more because saving so much on not buying gas. In most autos, they would get about 16 miles to a gallon on fuel but with the aid of an electric car kit, one could get up to 200 miles with only a single charge which would cost $ 1. You’ll also prolong the life of your auto as there will no longer be internal combustion in the vechile now. The electric motor will be quiet and smooth but will still be able to run as fast as 65 miles per hour. Doing the conversion is worth the money and thats not mentioning the other perks. In addition to the tax cuts that the IRS will give you, you’ll also contribute to a better environment. One month of having an electric vehicle will pay for the cost of the entire electric car conversion!

Unlike fuel-powered vehicles, the wearing down on electric vehicles is much less, so when you begin on your ev conversion, you won’t even have to stock up spare parts. Really the only replaced part is the battery, which is easily available.

There’s various designs of the ev kit to get. But of course, some are better than others. The best way to choose is to be sure that you’ll get all the facts without any junk. There are some that provide great instructions with complete info as to what is needed in the electric conversion as far as tools and parts. In only few hours of work, you can have a totally new automobile. So stop spending thousands every year on gas; you can now instead start saving up for the trips you’ve been planning for years. But do not worry about putting it together by yourself; with the information and simple instructions these provide, you can complete it in no time.

Maintenance is simple with an electric vehicle. Just think – no more need for tune-ups, This is good for the auto and the pocket book.

Doing an electric car conversion is not as easy as it looks. It’s not as though you can just go and get ev parts and replace them right away. You will need good instructions, and thats why electric car conversion kits are the best option. Well, if you do not download a manual then you will have to hire a professional.

An electric car conversion is a great way to stop spending money on gas and contribute to your environment. And it is easy to do! Read more: electric conversion kit, electric car motor

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